How To Beat the Winter Blues with These Mood-Boosting Superfoods
Ever wondered how nutrition affects mental wellness? A quick intro to the science behind nutritional psychiatry, plus specific mood boosters you can incorporate into your winter diet!

4 Diet Tips to Boost Your Immune System and Stay Healthy during Changing Weather
Your BLOOM guide to diving into Fall, worry-free of catching cold.

Designing One of Seattle's Most Beautiful Restaurant Spaces
Ever wondered what goes into designing a restaurant? Read on to learn more about the inspiration and principles behind BLOOM's stunning interior design.

BLOOM — Improving Urban Life Through Better Food
As featured in Seattle DINING! : “While the idea of building your own meal (or choosing a curated one) is not new, the rest of the concept is. Everything they offer is meant to be both better tasting and better for you. ”

BLOOM Plants a Vegan-Friendly, Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free Flag in Denny Triangle
As featured in Seattle Met: “On the corner of Howell and Minor, a new counter-service lunch spot called BLOOM faces off with Market House Meats”.

What Is a Bento Box?
We’ve almost all heard of the bento box, but what exactly is it, and how is it different from the lunchboxes we’ve grown up with?